By Eliza
Welcome to our second grade blog. We decided to make the second grade blog because we wanted to share some good ideas with you. We made it with Mrs. Kelley our teacher. She asked us some things we like about her class and then she made the blog. We made the blog November 4, 2008. Our second grade class and our teacher Mrs. Kelley made the blog. We enjoyed making our second grade blog.
The Flower Experiment
By Sasha

Hi, I’m Sasha and I’m writing about our flower experiment. 2nd grade did a flower experiment. We did this in October! We did this in the science lab.

I wrote about how it changed color. I put my carnation in water with green food coloring, and my flower turned green. The other flowers changed color also. Me, Sam, Will, Jack and Devyn were at the same table.

We did it because we wanted the white flowers to change color, and they did! The flowers changed color in one week.

The Copper Cannon Hike!
By Sam
Hi, my name is Sam and I’m writing about our Copper Cannon field trip. We went to Copper Cannon Camp in early October.
On the trail, Stephen, our leader, told us that ripping off bark is just like ripping skin off on every tree. So, don’t rip off bark from trees.
Stephen also told us about vernal pools. Vernal pools are like big puddles. They’re drinking pools, pools for bathing and homes for frogs and salamanders. They lay eggs in them, swim in them and mate in them.
We learned a lot on the trail. Stephen is a nice guide. The hike was very FUN!
Copper Cannon Scavenger Hunt
By Anabel
We went on a field trip. We went on a walk with Pete. On the walk we went on a scavenger hunt.
On the scavenger hunt it started out easy, but then got hard. First we had to find a leaf. That was easy. Then we had to find a leaf without holes. That was a little harder.
Then we had to find garbage. That was sort of easy. Then we looked for a feather. That was really hard.
I really liked Copper Cannon.
Thank You!
By Mrs. Kelley
Thanks for everyone’s patience waiting for this work to get uploaded to the internet. Unfortunately, I am not a technological wizard and each new thing I try – this time inserting pictures and video (which we couldn't quite manage this time) – tends to slow the process way down.
But, the good news is that now we are over the “first time” hump we should be able to bring you more regular updates about the goings on in our second grade. Many children are just finishing typing and should be ready to post their pieces in the next week or two.