By Andrew
I brought buttons into school, 100 buttons. I got some help to count them by 10s up to 100. Then I took a picture of them in their 10s.
The Hundred Baseball Cards But Ninety-Seven
By Devyn
On the hundredth day of school, I brought a hundred baseball cards but when I counted them I only had ninety-seven. I felt kind of sad but then I noticed some of the other students didn’t have all one hundred, so then I didn’t feel as bad. I am going to try to bring in three more baseball cards to make one hundred.
Editor’s note: And indeed he did!

The One Hundreth Day
By Eliza
On the 99th day of school, Mrs. Kelley, our teacher, assigned us a project. The project was all the class should bring in 100 things. It could be anything. Some kids brought in M&Ms or Pokemon cards. But I brought in dog hairs. I sorted them by groups of ten. I have two dogs at home and I knew I could get at least 100 hairs to count. My Mom cut them very gently off my dog’s tail for me to bring in.
Shark Teeth 2/12/09
By Stephen
It was the 100th day of school, and I didn’t have anything to share about because I wasn’t in school that day. So I shared with Nicholas his shark teeth. Did you know shark teeth are very sharp? We put them in 10s and then we took a picture of them. There were 100 of them when we counted them again.
100th Day of School 2/12/09
By Gabbie
Yesterday was the 100th day of school. I brought in little green leaves. I have three trees in my driveway. It was really hard to sort. Mrs. Kelley gave me a big piece of blue paper. And then I just put it in rows of tens.
100 Legos 2/12/09
By Danny
I did 10 X 10 = 100, and then I made sure I counted the dots on the Legos.
My 100 Day Collection 2/12/09
By Anabel
I did 10 X 10 = 100 as my math problem on the 100th day of school. I brought in crafty squares on the 100th day of school. I counted by tens.

The 100th Day 2/12/09
By Sasha
I got 100 Pokemon cards. I did 10 X 10 = 100. My two favorites are Mewtwo and Abominablesnow. Jake had 100 Pokemon too, his favorite was Mewtwo.
The 100th Day 2/12/09
By Sam
On the 100th day of school, I brought in 100 Skittles. I brought in 100 Skittles because when I got home, I could eat them. I sorted them in 4 groups of 25. 25 X 4 = 100. Then I took a picture of them, so we could write about it (which we are doing right now). The 100th Day of school was very fun.
My 100th Day Collection 2/12/09
By Haley
In my class, we were supposed to bring in 100 things that we could carry ourselves. I decided to bring in 26 Littlest Pet Shops. Why did I bring in only 26? Because I counted the legs. But if you do the math, and all of them have four legs, then there’s a problem. The problem you’re probably thinking about is that then I would have 104, but no, I have one Littlest Pet Shop with no legs.
Pup Chow 2/12/09
By Jack
On the 100th day of school, I brought in 100 pieces of puppy food. I wrote the words “Pup Chow” with my pup chow. The pup chow I brought in were little circles. And I underlined the pup chow and I made a happy face too. Each letter, line, and happy face were sorted into 10s. And it was a happy 100th day of school.
Sharks Teeth 2/12/09
By Nicholas
Sharks teeth are cool, in fact, some are so sharp I think legend says you could get hurt just by looking! Anyway, Stephen and I sorted 100 shark teeth by 10s. 10 X 10 = 100.
My 100th Day Collection 2/12/09
By Hannah
On Wednesday, February 11, our class had our 100th day of school. All of us had to bring in 100 of something. Probably Jake in our class had the hardest one of all because he brought sugar. I brought in 100 stickers. The way I thought of my idea is Macie and I were making Pippi’s house in Florida. We were putting on a lot of stickers, and I remembered that we had to do our 100th day thing, so I counted how many stickers were on it now, and counted how many more stickers I needed. I had 100 stickers on it. That’s how I got 100 stickers on Pippi’s house.
The 100th Day of School
By Nataleigh
On the 99th day of school I got cats, dogs, polar bears, panda bears, hippos, wild cats, tigers, and a black cat. I had to get 100 wild animals for the next day for the 100th day of school.
By Phoebe
Yesterday was the 100th day of school, and we counted out 100 things. I counted out 100 M&Ms. In school we took a picture of our 100 things. I counted by color but at the end I really didn’t have enough M&M’s to count by color so I counted with other colors.
The 100th Day 2/12/09
By Macie
Everybody brought in 100 things. It was so fun! Hannah brought in snacks and we made a trail mix. It was so good! I brought 100 pieces of sea glass in. We made Valentine pouches and decorated it and pasted sparkles on it and it rocked! I hope we do this in next year’s class!
Editor’s note: 100 x 7 = a yummy trail mix!
The 100th Day 2/12/09
By Will
I made 100 names sorted in 25 on each side of a box. For my class I made little notes inside about what I liked about the classmate. For example, I wrote Dan’s name on the outside and “you make every day easy” on the inside. And then I wrote names from the school from K and 1st grades and 3rd-6th grades.
The 100th Day of School 2/13/09
By Libby
The 100th day of school was two days ago, and I brought 100 M&M’s to school! I brought 100 M&M’s because I had nothing except M&M’s!

The 100th Day 2/12/09
By Jake
On the 100th day we had to bring in 100 things but I brought in 200 things. The 200 things were Pokemon cards and sugar grains and don’t ask how I did it; I’ll just tell you. I did it under a real bright light and a butter knife.

I sorted my Pokemon cards, it was easy. All I did was put them in ten groups of ten.
The 100th Day
By Sierra
I brought pellets in for the 100th day of school. I counted by tens. I did not think of this myself. My Dad did. The pellets are from my pellet stove.
The 100th Day Collection 2/12/09
By Tom
Hi, my name is Tom and I am here to talk about my 100th day of school collection. First I had to come up with something, That was the hard part. But once I figured it out it seemed easy. When I got home I started on my 100 100’s (that I was writing down). Me and my Mom sorted them. We sorted them by 10 100’s per line. This is Thomas signing off.
The 100th Day of School 2/12/09
By Grace
I brought in 100 M&M’s. I thought of these because I was watching the cat eating cat food and the cat food looked like chocolate chips and that reminded me of M&M’s. My Dad bought a big bag of them because he likes to make gorp and M&M’s are in gorp. I sorted them by 10’s. I had fun with the 100th day of school!
The End